Error Types
app-id header is found but the value is not valid.
app-id header is not set correctly. Note that you need to set app-id header for each request. Getting Started page for more info.
URL params (ex: /user/{id} - {id} is URL param) is not valid. This error returned in both cases: param format is invalid, param is not found.
Applicable only for not GET requests like POST, PUT or DELETE. Boyd format is invalid, or even some keys are not valid.
Applicable for all requests that has {id} URL param. Mean that item that was requested(for get, update, delete) is not found. Works correctly if you try to create a post for user that not exist or deleted.
Request path is not valid, check controller documentation to validate the URL.
Something is wrong with server, try again later. And/or report to our support telegram channel/email.